A Chance Encounter — The Date

Temi Davies
11 min readMay 16, 2021


Maria heard a faded knock on the door as 6 Inch by Beyonce played on her Sonos while her and Kunle were covered in sweat that was the result of intense love making. What Maria did not anticipate was a Kunle on drugs (Marijuana). They had a night cap after the Uber dropped them off. She had an unopened bottle of tequila, Casamigos Reposado, and six pre-rolled joints. They had smoked half of a joint and the tequila bottle is now only half full. Maria was tipsy not drunk and Kunle was high and only had one and a half drink.

Maria heard the knock again, this time a little louder; even Kunle heard it. She was in the reverse cowgirl position and she stopped rotating her waist. Kunle didn’t want her to stop, but he also heard the knock. His senses were fully heightened and his imagination wild.

Kunle: Please tell me that’s not your husband or a boyfriend that’s being released from prison

Maria: (Giggled) Lets find out.

She gets off Kunle, but not without kissing his fully erect penis, a little longer than she should have. They both heard the knock again and hurried up. Kunle puts on his boxers and his white t-shirt. Maria puts on a robe and put her natural hair in a bun. She hurried to the door and Kunle strolled behind her, giving her a distance of about six feet. Maria opened the door and seemed surprised.

Maria: Hi Karen, how are you?

Karen: I’m well, how are you? Everything okay? I heard some noises and it isn’t like you, so I wanted to check in on you.

Maria: Oh I’m okay, thank you so much (she was genuinely touched by the gesture of her neighbor caring about her safety). My friend and I got a little carried away.

Karen: It’s okay, at least one of us is having a great Friday night. Can I come in?

Maria: (Moved her head to look at an handsome Kunle in his boxers and white t-shirt. Kunle was shaking his head in disapproval and she gave him a mischievous smile). I’m not sure that’s a good idea as we were in the middle of an intense session, but you can come in for a quick second.

Kunle puzzled as to why Maria would invite her neighbor in while they’re both almost naked. He took a few steps closer to Maria as she opens the door for Karen.

Kunle: Hello.

Maria: This is Kunle!

Karen: Hi Kole.

Kunle: It’s Kuunle!!!

Karen: I’m sorry, Konle. Very nice to meet you. I don’t mean to intrude, just being a good neighbor. Looks like you guys were giving it a really good go.

Kunle: Yes we were… But now we’re not. Drink?

Maria: (Puzzled at Kunle) I don’t think Karen would be staying.

Karen: No, I can have a drink. What ya got? (She whispers to Maria, you lucky, lucky girl)

Kunle: There’s a bottle of Casamigos somewhere, interested?

Maria: Please have a seat (pointing to the yellow velvet sofa that looks too classy, inviting, and too comfortable).

Karen: This sofa is everything!!!

Kunle: Right? That’s what I said.

Maria: Ice or no ice? And also, do you want a chaser? I have ginger beer

Karen: Yes to all of the above!!!

Maria puts three solid balls of ice, the size of a ping pong ball, in three rocks glasses and brought them along with the bottle of tequila and ginger beer in a tray to the living room. She noticed Kunle was looking out of glass sliding doors and Karen was engulfed in her painting.

Maria: Here we go!!!

Kunle: Thanks gorgeous.

Karen: Thank you so much (as she pours a generous amount of tequila into her glass).

Maria dashed a look of shock at Kunle and observed Kunle’s smirk. Kunle internalized Maria’s look to say “Uh, this bitch!!!” Maria didn’t quite know what to think of Kunle’s smirk, she didn’t like it. Meanwhile, Karen, now back on the bright yellow couch with feather cushion, was very comfortable and relaxed. As Karen was about to engage Kunle, he interrupted.

Karen: So Kon…

Kunle: I’m going to go on the balcony a look at the moon. She’s calling out to me.

Maria: Yes, she’s lovely isn’t she?

Karen: (Looking puzzled as she tries to look out through the sliding door) Okay. (Both Maria and Karen watched Kunle disappear in his white t-shirt and boxers and Maria observed Karen stare with delight).

Maria: He’s a looker isn’t he?

Karen: Yes, oh my god. I shouldn’t be here. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I promise to not interrupt next time.
Maria: Were we that loud?

Karen: Not really, I heard you scream when I went to close the balcony door and wanted to check in on you.

Maria: I truly appreciate it and I definitely would have done the same if the shoes were reversed.

Karen: (Finishing her drink in one big gulp) Well, I’ll leave you both to it. I hope it’s a really long night for you (she said with an awkward wink).

Maria: Thank you Karen, enjoy your night.

Maria walked Karen to the door and went to join Kunle on the balcony with the bottle of tequila, and the remaining half of the joint they didn’t finish. The balcony was unusually large, about ten feet long and five feet wide. It was big enough for an outdoor sofa, a coffee table, two armchairs, and a hammock. Kunle was seated on the left side of the sofa with his feet on the coffee table. He observed Maria approach in her silk robe with her nipples fully erect. The night was still chilly, but not too chilly; it was a comfortable sixty five degrees. The stars were very noticeable and the moon was shining bright. Still standing, Maria set the bottle down; she lit the joint and took a really long and impressive drag. She passed the joint to Kunle as she stood over him. Kunle moved to the side a bit so Maria can sit on his lap. He took a really long drag too, in an attempt to make gest of Maria, but he couldn’t hang because he choked. Maria leaned in and whispered in his ears as she rubs on his nipples through his shirt.

Maria: Blow it in my mouth!!!

Kunle tilted his head backwards and obeyed Maria’s instructions. Amazed at how incredible this woman it, he couldn’t imagine what he did to get so lucky.

Kunle: If you’re trying to butter me up before you kill me, just know I’ll probably do anything you damn well please at this point.

Maria: My only interest at the moment is your dick in my mouth.

The morning sun was heaven sent, Maria imagined as Kunle observe it kiss her fresh shea butter covered and makeup free face. Her skin radiated joy and harmony, Kunle thought. He thought to himself that she truly is nature’s gift to earth, at least to him in that moment. His eyes were hidden behind some overpriced designer polarized and reflective sunglasses he purchased about a year ago. Maria with her eyes closed and face directed at the sun glowed and radiated. She was listening to the gentle music from Kunle’s stereo speakers as her curls bounced; Cheris The Day by Sade was playing. Kunle had called in a favor and somehow it came through. He mentioned to Shirley, a director at the company he’s consulting with, that he would love to have a date at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens and she said she knows someone that could make it happen. Maria is truly impressed, but only with Kunle’s initiative and not his reach, as Kunle thought. Anyone can reserve a conservatory but not anyone can plan a beautiful picnic, especially in a city they’re just visiting.

Kunle had red wine and some sandwiches. He found a bakery that had a sandwich shop on Friday and put the order in. He said to the chef, Pierre, that he wanted to take a special lady for a picnic and wanted bite sized sandwiches that pairs well with red wine. Pierre smiled and sympathized at the love struck romantic in his bakery:

Pierre: Okay my friend, she’s a lucky girl (he said in his French accent).

Kunle: Thank you my brother. I will pick it up at 9 am! Do you have a picnic basket I can borrow or buy?

Pierre: I’ll have one for you tomorrow.

Looking at Maria, Kunle remembered how she looked in her robe this morning when he poured her coffee as she read the newspaper at the coffee table. She radiated!!! Her hair was wrapped in her sateen Moyovelli Wura scarf, her face was glistening and her eye lids swollen. Kunle hoped to catch a glimpse of her perfect nipple at some point while they drank coffee and read the news, but he was out of luck.

Kunle: I have to go pick something up at 9.

Maria: What?

Kunle: Our breakfast

Maria: Okay, where are you taking me?

Kunle: You’ll see, just use your allergy medication.

Maria: So we are going to be outside?

Kunle: Yes! Do you have sunblock?

Maria: Yes, I have some!

Kunle: We’re going to need it as well.

Maria: What else are we going to need?

Kunle: Do you have a picnic blanket?

Maria: I have something.

Kunle: Perfect!

Maria: So that’s it, a picnic?

Kunle: Maybe, just chill. You’ll find out eventually.

Maria: Okay!

Back in the garden, the blanket was perfect. It was microfiber and Kunle grabbed some pillows as well. Kunle poured Maria a glass of wine and said “it’s seven pm somewhere,” even though it was really 10 am. Maria was overwhelmed with the details in Kunle’s plan. He had chosen the perfect spot. It was on a hill overlooking downtown Pittsburg. There was a tree to provide shade when needed, but the sun was in her glory. The joyful Maria opened her eyes and smiled with all the muscles on her face at Kunle. She said to herself, “so this is what they mean when they say ‘Yoruba Demon.’” She had on oversized square Dior sunglasses that sat perfectly on her face, like it was bespoke. She had the elegance of a princess that escaped the luxurious prisons of her castle walls to discover a whole new world that had been foreign to her.

Maria: I have never experienced anything like this, I will never regret sliding in your DMs

Kunle: Do you journal?

Maria: Yes, but not consistently. You?

Kunle: No, but please document this day for our grandkids, if we’re fortunate to have any.

Maria: (Choked on her wine and coughed it out) Huh?

Kunle: (Unbothered as he lights a Joint and took a long drag from it) Well don’t die yet silly.

Maria: I thought I heard you say grand kids.

Kunle: Yes, if we’re fortunate. Don’t you want kids? Adopted or not!

Maria: I want kids, but you’re crazy.

Kunle: Perhaps. (He passed the joint to Maria who took a long drag from it). This city is really something isn’t it?

Maria: It absolutely is. I wonder what Hartford is like.

Kunle: She has her charms! I’d love to explore it with you.

Maria: Is this how you trap your women?

Kunle: What do you mean?

Maria: Is this how you get women to sleep with you?

Kunle: No, I saw this place on one of my runs and thought it’ll be a beautiful place for a wedding! But then I was given an opportunity to spend time with the most beautiful woman in Pittsburg. I had to do something spectacular.

Maria: Well, you’re getting lucky to night, that’s for sure.

Kunle: I want to get lost in your love tonight, but before then, tell me about your favorite flower.

Maria looked around and saw an assorted filed of flowers. Lilac, purple, yellow, red, green, blue, violet, etc. filled the gardens around them. She leaned forward and got on her knees to get a better look as Kunle leaned on one his right butt cheek and right elbow. Maria leaned over and came face to face with Kunle; she kissed him passionately and said;

Maria; Though I may never see you again, you are the man of my dreams.

Kunle: Why would you not see me again? I’ve never met any woman quite like you.

Maria: Lets go walk the garden, please!

Kunle: Okay gorgeous.

They explored the botanical garden and took selfies in multiple locations. They smelled every flower and studied every rose, like a wanna be Sommelier drinking wine like they had to give a report on its composition. Kunle kept asking to take pictures of Maria without revealing them to her. She wondered what his intentions were with the pictures, but didn’t think too much since these are photos that she wouldn’t mind being share publicly. She was wearing a yellow dress with navy blue polka dots. Her natural hair and curls bounced in the gentle breeze and her a lined dress danced with the breeze as well.

Kunle: Please do a spin for me, like you’re a 3 year old girl that just discovered that her dress opens up every time she spins.

Maria thought it was silly, but did it anyways, because it felt good to be seen, admired, drooled over, and adored. Kunle seemed sincere, and he was. She was comfortable. She had on zero make up and she knew she looked absolutely gorgeous. The joy she displayed reminded Kunle of that of his nieces on Sunday mornings back in Nigeria. They were always happy and their Vaseline covered skin always glistened in the Sunday morning sun. Her joy was innocent and uncorrupted by life’s many forces.

Kunle: Dance with me, please. (as he sets his speaker down. I’m Hanging UP My Heart for You by Solomon Burke playing).

Maria: I’d love to.

Maria put her hands around Kunle’s neck and Kunle put his hands on her waist. They had the whole garden to themselves and the only noises they heard was the music from Kunle’s speakers, water from foutains, and birds. They danced to the whole song and kissed through the next song, To Be Loved by Jackie Wilson.

Maria felt a rush she had never felt. A feeling she couldn’t explain. She felt chills that she struggled to understand. Like she was frozen in ice but then surrounded by fire. She felt safe in Kunle’s arms. Held on firm to his broad shoulders as she shed one or two unexplainable tears. Kunle was transported to an unfamiliar place. He was experience fellings he couldn’t explain as well, but he loved them. Maria felt so comfortable in his arms. Her skin so soft and her hair smelled of lavender. Kunle buried his face in it and told her how good she smelled.

Kunle: I want to cuddle, is that something you’re into?

Maria: No, but for some reason I’m sure I’ll enjoy it with you, so I’m game.

Kunle looked at the time and it was midday. They packed up the tan leather picnic basket Pierre lent Kunle and made their way to Maria’s condo. Upon arrival, the two love birds fell asleep in each other’s arms on the yellow velvet couch. By the time Kunle opened his eyes because his phone was vibrating, the sun was beginning to set. His sudden motion disrupted Maria’s sleep, waking her up as well.

Kunle: Can I draw a bath in your tub?

Maria: Sure! What do you have in mind?

Kunle: It’ll be fun to watch the sunset from your tub, wouldn’t it?

Maria: I’ve never thought of it, but It would be!!!

Kunle got up and drew a warm bath. He poured a generous amount of Maria’s organic coconut soap, sea salt, rose petals, and some roses from the ten dozen red roses he purchased for her from the garden. He placed his speaker in the bathroom and played Sade radio station on Pandora.

Kunle: I think the bath is ready.

Maria showed up in her white cotton robe with a towel for Kunle and they both settled in to watch the sunset. Kunle had grabbed a bottle of Bordeaux Superieur and had two glasses ready. He handed Maria a glass and poured into the glass until it was three fourths full. He poured himself a glass and leaned back as he puts his right arm around Maria’s neck and held the glass with his left hand, as Back At One by Brian McKnight played.

Kunle: Life is truly beautiful!

